Woodrow Wilson Bridge


Originally estimated to cost $450 million to $500 million, the project received just one bid - at a price of $860 million!

The project’s bridge superstructure contract was temporarily subjected to a union-favoring PLA requirement by former Maryland Governor Parris Glendening (D). Originally estimated to cost $450 million to $500 million, in Dec. 2001 the Wilson Bridge’s superstructure contract received just one bid at a price of $860 million—more than $370 million more than engineering estimates, a 78 percent cost overrun.

How it failed

  • The PLA was subjected to a legal challenge and related controversy involving the White House and elected officials in Maryland and Virginia.

  • Eventually, the Wilson Bridge superstructure project was rebid without the government-mandated PLA into three smaller bid packages.

  • In Oct. 2002, multiple bids were received on each of the smaller contracts by union and nonunion firms, and the winning bids came in significantly below the engineering estimates.

  • While the bridge was delayed more than a year for re-bidding, it was eventually completed below the original budget and completed on time.



Prince Georges County Schools