We're working to ensure this isn't Virginia's future.

We’re working to ensure this isn’t Virginia’s future.

We’re fighting for you!

Virginians for Fair Contracting & Employee Protection is a 501c(4) organization comprised of taxpayers, business leaders, and workers united in the belief that government-mandated Project Labor Agreements (“PLAs”) in Virginia undermine fair competition and inflate costs to the public. Our mission is to advocate for open, competitive bidding processes that serve the best interests of all Virginians. We stand for transparency, accountability, and equal opportunity on public construction projects.

By opposing government-mandated PLAs, we aim to ensure that public works are completed efficiently and economically, without sacrificing quality or safety. Together, we are committed to fostering a construction environment that is free from restrictive mandates and is beneficial to all Virginians.

Our Members

Associated Builders & Contractors - Virginia Chapter

Heavy Construction Contractors Association

Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance

Virginia DBE Transportation Association

Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce

Virginia Asphalt Association

Associated General Contractors of Virginia

Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance