Hey Loudoun County
Don’t get PLAyed!
Government-mandated Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) create a corrupt and rigged bidding process on county construction projects. As a result, you pay more to get less from the Loudoun County Government.
Don't fall for PLA sales pitches from Loudoun politicians!
Let the Board of Supervisors Know You Oppose Government-Mandated PLAs
Simply add your information and click “Send Message” to let your representatives know that you oppose government-mandated project labor agreements.
Note: List “N/A” for the “Company Name” for no response. This information is not required to contact your Supervisor using the tool below.
What You 🫵 Need to Know About PLAs in Loudoun County
PLAs Increase Project Costs, Which Means Higher Taxes.
PLAs severely limit bid competition on taxpayer funded projects. Numerous studies have found that this artificially limited competition ads between 12 and 20 percent to the cost of public construction projects. These avoidable and unnecessary costs mean one thing - higher taxes!
PLA Costs Crowd Out Other Important Infrastructure Projects
The added costs of PLAs place additional strain on public budgets, crowding out other important projects. This means you receive fewer public works. For example, the County might be able to build 4 new schools without a PLA, but only two schools with a PLA.
PLAs Increase the Risk of Delays and Cost Overruns
PLAs add delay-inducing complexity and bureaucracy to construction projects, further increasing the likelihood of cost overruns. PLAs exist only when politicians mandate them as payback for political support. They are not a normal part of the construction process and, as such, impede the ability of most contractors to efficiently and effectively deliver taxpayer-funded infrastructure.
PLAs Put Out-of-State Union Bosses First and Loudoun Workers Last
PLAs put out-of-state union bosses in charge of who gets to work on Loudoun construction projects. 95% of Virginian construction workers have chosen not to join a union. PLAs allow unions to discriminate against Virginia workers in favor of out-of-state workers with seniority in the union.
PLAs Send Loudoun Tax Dollars Out-of-State
PLAs send Loudoun tax dollars to out-of-state construction firms that have relationships with construction unions. What’s worse, local firms are excluded from participating on Loudoun cosntructpon projects that are funded by their own tax dollars.
PLAs Discriminate Against Minority- and Woman-Owned Firms
PLAs exclude nearly all small, minority-, and woman-owned construction firms. This is why the National Black Chamber of Commerce has been an outspoken critic of mandatory PLAs.
Did you know?
The Loudoun Board of Supervisors Recently Approved a PLA Against the Advice of It’s Own Experts
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors recently voted to mandate the county’s first-ever PLA on the widening of Route 15 against the advice of its own staff. Prior to approving the PLA, the Board asked the Finance & Budget and County Attorney’s Offices to research the issue and make a recommendation to the Board on whether or not a PLA would benefit Loudoun County residents and taxpayers.
In February 2023, these offices reported to the Board that they found no evidence that the purported “problems”addressed by PLAs, such as “labor peace” and “worker safety,” were, in fact, problems in the County. In other words, the justifications for PLAs were smokescreens intended to mask the real purpose of PLAs - political patronage! Further, the County’s experts raised serious concerns about the impact of PLAs on the County’s budget and the detrimental impacts that PLAs have on local construction workers and contractors.
Yet, even with its own experts telling it that PLAs cause more problems than they fix, the Board of Supervisors voted to mandate the County’s first PLA, ignoring their advice. You pay for Loudoun’s infrastructure, and you deserve to know why.
“Loudoun County would NOT benefit from implementing project labor agreements for major public works projects.”
- Loudoun County Staff Report
What’s Behind the Push for PLAs in Loudoun County?
It’s not complicated. Influential labor union bosses spend big money in Loudoun’s local elections. The current Loudoun Board has taken over $185,000 in campaign donations from union bosses that are pressuring them to mandate PLAs on Loudoun projects, costing you more to live in the County.
Phyllis Randall (D)
$83,000 from labor unions
11.5% of of all contributions
79% from out-of-state
Julie Briskman (D)
Algonkin District
$27,600 from labor unions
8.7% of of all contributions
64% from out-of-state
Mike Turner (D)
Ashburn District
$25,650 from labor unions
16% of of all contributions
69% from out-of-state
Sylvia Glass (D)
Broad Run District
$20,775 from labor unions
15.6% of of all contributions
75% from out-of-state
Laura TeKrony (D)
Little River District
$14,600 from labor unions
9.5% of of all contributions
59% from out-of-state
Koran Saines (D)
Sterling District
$8,500 from labor unions
4.3% of of all contributions
100% from out-of-state
Kristin Umstadd (D)
Leesburg District
$5,500 from labor unions
5.8% of of all contributions
100% from out-of-state
Caleb Kershner (R)
Catoctin District
$0 from labor unions
0% of of all contributions
Matt Letrouneau (R)
Dulles District
$0 from labor unions
0% of of all contributions
Not sold on PLAs?
Join the fight against government-mandated PLAs in Loudoun County!